(+1 209) 201-6850
Since 2009
Merced . Modesto . Turlock

Simplicity Is Key

Open Positions

Tutor - Math

We are looking for skilled tutors to work with our students in Math. Proficiency in Algebra 1 & 2 and Geometry/ Trigonometry is preferred. Download Application

Tutor - Advanced Math

We are looking for tutors to help our high-school and college students with advanced Math concepts like pre-Calculus, Calculus and Stats.Download Application

Tutor - Reading, Writing and Phonics

Tutors needed to work with our elementary and middle school students with a focus on Phonics and sounds.Download Application

Assistant Director

Assist the Director with the efficient functioning of the centers. It is preferred if our Assistant Directors are also proficient in at least one of our major tutoring requirements.Download Application

Please download the application below, fill it out and email it to us at UdayBali@gmail.com and we'll get back to you with the next steps in our hiring process. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at UdayBali@gmail.com or at (209) 201-6850.